Core Leadership

Fritz K. Ambrozi, II
In a recent interview, Fritz was asked what is the most important thing you have ever done? “The most
important thing I’ve ever done is taking time to understand humanity and the universe. Right now, we understand the paradigm shift in rebuilding the infrastructure of our world, which begins with our work as the best civil servants in the private sector. Every movement we make has an impact, including previous generations before us, and future generations, after us. This discernment allows us to be better leaders for humanity. “
Perhaps nothing captures the spirit and workings of the entire Ambrozi team than that statement. Twenty-five years since he founded the company, Fritz has changed the runway of his company and as a result, his work with runway rehabilitation has earned him a deep respect in the industry. His unique knowledge and integrity provide the team with a perspective of the strengths and limitations of runway rehab products from the inside and outside. He brings a subject matter expertise of the rehab ecosphere and available tools used by other airports.
Equally important is his determination to create partnerships with companies and
individuals of all backgrounds, experience, and cultures.

Jonathan Salter
Director of Business Operations
Jonathan joined the Ambrozi Team after several years of leading muliti-million dollar corporations in the medical industry. His strengths are mulitifaceted and output of work is nothing short of perfection .
Jonathan oversees corporate operations and is responsible for bridging the various needs of the different sectors of the company and making sure all goals and objectives are met.
He is a recognized trainer and communications expert. He is comfortable overseeing large groups and uses his analytical skills advising senior management to enable them to work most effectively. Jonathan’s communication and business intelligence analytical skills in the field of operations are a strong anchor to the team.
His areas of expertise include business processes, organizational change, licensing and training.

Lauren Morgan
Sr. Executive Assistant